Box office and Venue: Monday to Friday, 9am-3pm
Phone and Email Enquiries: Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
In these conditions, unless inconsistent with the text or the subject matter, the following definitions shall apply:
“Council” shall mean the City of Whittlesea
“Precinct” shall mean all spaces, buildings & amenities in and around the immediate area
“PRACC” shall mean the Plenty Ranges Arts and Convention Centre and can include any portion of the Precinct
“Coordinator” shall mean the Coordinator PRACC and shall include a person appointed to act in their absence or proxy
“Customer” shall mean the person/business wanting to hold the Event and include all their personnel – employed & volunteer
“Patron” shall mean a person or persons who attend the Event
“Agreement” shall mean the Venue Hire Agreement
“Hire” shall mean the period of time an Agreement covers within PRACC
“Event” shall mean the purpose of the Hire
“Deposit” shall mean Security Deposit/Bond
“Ticketing” shall mean the Box Office and Customer Coordinator and shall include a person appointed to act in their absence
“Gross Box Office Sales” shall mean gross income received (including GST) by Ticketing from all ticket outlets less any administrative charges and box office commissions
“GST” shall mean the Goods and Services Tax pursuant to A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1998 as amended and any other regulations, acts, or rulings associated with this Act
Any use of any part of PRACC shall be subject to these Conditions. The Customer shall be deemed to be aware of all such conditions upon signing and returning of the Agreement.
Fees and charges for the use of PRACC are available on the PRACC website at
Event proposals are based on the fees and charges in effect at the time the proposal is created.
Customers should be aware that published fees are subject to adjustment at the start of each financial year.
The Coordinator reserves the right to modify fees without prior notice.
Outstanding Balances
No Agreement may be entered into, nor future dates reserved, if the Customer has any outstanding balances from previous arrangments with PRACC or Council that remain unpaid by the required invoice date. All outstanding payments must be resolved before new Agreements are finalised.
Hire Agreement Requirements
The Agreement must be signed by the Customer and countersigned by PRACC to be valid.
For Agreements made on behalf of a company, organisation, or group, the Customer must provide the name of the entity and confirm the applicant's authority to sign on its behalf.
The minimum charges payable are outlined in the Agreement. Any reductions after signing will not lower the charges below the agreed minimum.
Payment Terms
Consequences of Non-Payment
If the Customer fails to pay any amounts due under the Agreement, PRACC reserves the right to:
(a) Hold all Box Office funds, if applicable, until the outstanding balance is settled in full.
(b) Take immediate action to recover outstanding amounts.
(c) Engage a debt collection agency to recover funds, with all associated fees charged to the Customer.
(d) Cancel the event without liability to PRACC.
The deposit will be held in trust and applied to the final invoice upon confirmation that the Customer has complied with all terms and conditions of the hire agreement. This includes the absence of venue damage or the need for abnormal cleaning. The final assessment will be made by the Coordinator at the conclusion of the event.
If the costs of damages or additional charges exceed the deposit amount, the Customer will be liable to pay the outstanding balance upon demand by the Coordinator.
The deposit is non-refundable if the event is cancelled by the Customer. However, at the discretion of the Coordinator, the deposit may be transferred to a new booking if cancellation occurs more than 30 days before the original event date, and provided PRACC has not suffered a loss of an alternative booking.
A booking is only considered confirmed once the Customer has signed the Agreement, the Coordinator has counter-signed it, and any required deposit has been received by PRACC.
The Customer is responsible for verifying that the Agreement accurately reflects the required spaces, dates, and times for their Event. Any discrepancies must be addressed before signing.
If the Customer wishes to reduce the booking after confirmation, the agreed minimum balance will still apply unless otherwise approved by the Coordinator.
By signing the Agreement, the Customer acknowledges and agrees to comply with all PRACC Terms and Conditions of Hire. Failure to adhere to these terms may result in penalties or the cancellation of the booking.
The Customer must adhere to the maximum capacity limits for each space, as outlined below:
Yan Yean Theatre Auditorium | 497 |
Dressing Room 1 | 54 |
Dressing Room 2 | 46 |
Dressing Room 3 | 26 |
Dressing Room 4 | 5 |
Yan Yean Control Room | 6 |
Woodstock Theatre Auditorium | 175 |
Green Room | 24 |
Blue Gum Room | 200 |
Red Gum Room | 200 |
Eucalypt Room | 500 |
Lakeview Room | 30 |
Capacity limits include all attendees, staff, and equipment and must not be exceeded under any circumstances. Breaching capacity limits may result in event interruption or termination, as well as additional charges.
Use of Spaces
The Customer is entitled to use only the specific parts of PRACC stipulated in the Agreement and must vacate these areas promptly at the end of their event. PRACC reserves the right to hire out any unused areas to other parties concurrently.
Shared Spaces
Public spaces, including the foyer, restrooms, and connecting areas, are shared unless the Customer secures exclusive access in writing. Exclusive use of the entire venue is available only outside regular business hours and must be pre-arranged with the Coordinator.
Utility Availability
PRACC does not guarantee uninterrupted electricity, water, or internet services, even if the Customer has disclosed these requirements. Backup arrangements for critical utilities should be made by the Customer if needed.
Licences and Permits
If the Customer’s event activities require a licence or permit (e.g., music performance rights), the Customer is responsible for obtaining and complying with these authorisations. Proof of compliance may be requested by PRACC prior to the event.
Safety Compliance
The Customer must comply with all safety regulations, including fire safety and accessibility requirements.
No portion of PRACC hired by the Customer may be sub-hired, nor may the booking be transferred or assigned to another party without prior written consent from the Coordinator. This includes, but is not limited to, permitting third parties to use the hired space for events unrelated to the original booking.
Any breach of this condition may result in the immediate cancellation of the booking without refund and may incur additional charges as determined by PRACC.
The Coordinator and any PRACC staff whom Council may appoint, shall at all times and notwithstanding any Hire, be entitled to free access to any and every part of PRACC. This access will be done with the utmost discretion so as to not disrupt the Customers Event. This shall include but not be limited to the Operations, Box Office, Front of House, Technical Staff and Maintenance Contractors.
The Box Office is located in the foyer of PRACC.
Standard Business Hours are 9:00am to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday.
Box Office open hours may change without notice to suit operational needs of PRACC and PRACC staff.
PRACC Box Office is the exclusive source for all ticketing services related to events hosted at PRACC. All tickets are sold by PRACC on behalf of the Customer.
For ticketing, PRACC acts as Agent. GST collected from ticket sales is the responsibility of the hirer.
Ticketing is mandatory for all events taking place in PRACC theatres. However, in the case of a "closed" or "private" performance/presentation, the Coordinator's approval is necessary to waive the ticketing requirement.
Tickets will only be placed on sale once a counter-signed Agreement is in place and Deposit paid. The Customer shall conform to PRACC procedures regarding ticket selling arrangements.
It is suggested that the following price headings be used: Standard, Adult, Concession (Pensioner, Seniors Card Holder, Student, Unemployed), , Group Bookings, Children (2 to 17 years of age), Complimentary
Student Concessions will be taken to mean any student currently attending a school, either primary or secondary or students holding a full-time tertiary ID card. Pensioner Concessions will be taken to mean persons who are eligible for and holding a Federal Government Pension ID card. Patrons holding a Companion Card (issued by the Victorian Department of Human Services) will be issued a complimentary ticket, for their companion, when purchasing a ticket.
Sales Reports can be emailed periodically and arranged at the time Event sales are arranged with Ticketing.
The prices at which public tickets shall be offered for sale, and other relevant details regarding public ticketing, will be determined by the Customer and notified to Ticketing. The prices at which PRACC member tickets shall be offered for sale, and other relevant details regarding PRACC member ticketing, will be determined by the Coordinator.
Full ticket information shall be notified in writing to Ticketing at least five (5) business days prior to the commencement of sale or distribution of such tickets.
The applicable Inside (Customer) or Outside (Patron) Charges as specified in the fees on the PRACC website are payable to PRACC.
The Customer shall strictly adhere to all advertised prices of admission for each Event.
Any advertising material detailing ticket prices must contain a single, all inclusive, total amount per ticket, payable by the Patron.
Complimentary tickets and promoter’s tickets shall be charged to the Customer at standard fee rate, and must not be sold on without allocation within the PRACC Box Office.
PRACC may hold up to ten (10) House Seats per performance for its own use and remain the property of PRACC for use at Ticketing’s discretion for any Event within PRACC and are not to be included in determining the capacity of the theatre. Unused House Seats will usually be returned for sale prior to the Event.
PRACC may choose to sell any event tickets to PRACC members at a discounted rate.
PRACC accepts no responsibility for cheques and credit card transactions not being met on presentation.
The PRACC Occupancy Certificate will limit the number of individuals who may be admitted to the auditorium at any one time.
Gross Box Office Sales will be held by PRACC and any monies owed to the Customer shall not be released until all Council processes have been completed. This can take up to three (3) working weeks.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, both PRACC & Customer agree that if either party is unable to satisfy their obligations under this Agreement due to items outside of their control, including but not limited to: civil commotion, fire, storm, flood, act of God, pandemic, decisions by Government or any of its Agencies or without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the affected party shall not be liable to the other for any loss or damage or costs suffered as a result of such default and the other party shall have no right of action of claim for compensation of damage in respect of such default.
PRACC may terminate any Agreements &/or future dates reserved for Events by the Customer should any payment or monies held as ticketing sales not cover total venue charges prior to the first booked event date.
PRACC may terminate any Agreement &/or future dates reserved for Events by the Customer should insufficient event information be provided to successfully deliver. Timelines are provided via a Customer Portal.
PRACC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule bookings if the venue is required as an Emergency Relief Centre or for other community welfare purposes as determined by the Council.
In the event of a pandemic, Government, Council or Coordinator direction where the event is cancelled, any monies paid towards hire of the venue, including deposit, will be refunded.
In the event of a cancellation by the Customer, notice of such cancellation must be received in writing by the Coordinator. A cancellation fee will be charged at the amount of the deposit paid.
Cancellation of a Hire less than ninety (90) days prior to the Event will result in fifty percent (50%) payment by the Customer of any charges outlined in the Agreement.
Cancellation of a Hire less than thirty (30) days prior to the Event will result in full payment by the Customer of any charges in Agreement.
In any circumstances where ticket monies are to be refunded, administration charges per transaction will apply covering but not limited to, bank fees, inside charges, online and postage fees.
PRACC offers no refunds or exchanges for tickets purchased unless at the discretion of the Customer or Coordinator.
In the event of a pandemic or Government direction PRACC Box Office will offer a full refund or exchange in any of the below circumstances, up until one hour prior to the Event, if the Patron:
• has developed any of the recognised symptoms, came into contact with anyone displaying symptoms or a confirmed case of the pandemic
• determines not to attend the Event in order to comply with Emergency Guidelines enacted by Government, the terms and conditions of sale or directions or instructions given by PRACC
The Customer shall not produce or perform, or permit to be produced or performed, any dramatic or musical works in infringement of copyright or performance or associated rights. This shall include music used in presentations, as part of entertainment for, or as incidental music to an Event.
Please contact One Music on 1300 162 162 or via for advice in this matter.
The Customer hereby indemnifies both PRACC & Council against any claim for breach of copyright in connection to the Event.
The Customer must provide PRACC with detailed Event Information by the disclosed dates set out by the Coordinator at beginning of your booking
The Customer must promptly inform PRACC of any change to the Event Information provided including, but not limited to, changes to any item or work to be performed.
Unless specified in the Event Information and agreed by PRACC, PRACC is not obliged to provide or make available any equipment for use by you in respect of the Event.
Full Technical Specifications for PRACC are available online or upon request. A production meeting, either in person or on the phone, regarding Event specific requirements can be organised with the Customer prior to the Hire.
PRACC has a standard technical set up that is set for all Hires. The Customer covers the costs of returning PRACC to the same condition in which the Customer found it – including but not limited to theatre, backstage, foyer, lighting and sound equipment.
For the smooth running of the Event it is important for the Customer to return all technical, staffing and other requirements at least four (4) weeks prior to the Event. If there are any changes after this time, PRACC will do everything possible to accommodate changes but they cannot be guaranteed.
Customers that do not provide technical requirements two (2) weeks prior to their Event will have staff and equipment allocated as determined by the Coordinator and will be charged accordingly.
PRACC has a permanent lighting control position (Bio Box) above the back row and doesn’t impede on audience seats.
PRACC has a permanent audio control position in the Bio Box. A temporary operation position can be constructed at the rear of the auditorium in seats L21 to L24 & M23 to M27.
Additional seats, for videographer/photographer etc, can be placed on technical hold and should not obstruct the view of any Patron.
Holds must be submitted as part of the Ticketing form prior to the on sale of your event.
All staffing and scheduling must comply with OH&S standards, including fatigue management and safe work practices.
The Customer must ensure all staff have access to appropriate facilities, including restrooms, meal breaks, and safe working environments, during the Event.
All PRACC staff are fully trained in their designated roles, including technical operations, event supervision, and customer service. Customers engaging external staff for approved work areas must ensure they meet similar standards.
All staffing requests, changes, or cancellations must be communicated in writing via email to
Staffing costs, including hourly rates, penalty charges, and holiday surcharges, are available upon request or as outlined in the Fee Schedule on our website,
Minimum Staffing Levels
The Customer must utilise PRACC’s designated staff to ensure safe and efficient venue operations. Minimum staffing levels are required to maintain safety, manage emergencies, comply with regulations, ensure smooth event logistics, and mitigate risks.
Yan Yean Theatre
Woodstock Theatre
Eucalypt Room
Red Gum Room
Blue Gum Room
Lakeview Room
Minimum staffing levels may be adjusted based on the specific requirements of the event, including its size and complexity. Where multiple spaces are hired for the same event, one Event Supervisor may oversee multiple spaces, provided safety, operational efficiency, and service quality are not compromised.
A Duty Manager will oversee the overall safety, security, and operations of the venue during after-hours Event bookings at no cost to the Customer.
Minimum Shifts For Theare Bookings
Senior Technician and Technician commences shift 30 minutes prior to & concludes shift 30 minutes post your Event booking.
Event Supervisor commences 1.5 hours prior to your Performance/Presentation starting & concludes shift 30 minutes after Presentation/Performance ends or when foyer is vacated.
Event Officer commences 1 hour prior to your Performance/Presentation starting & concludes shift 30 minutes after Presentation/Performance ends or when foyer is vacated.
Ticketing Officer commence 1.5 hours prior to your Performance/Presentation starting & concludes shift after 3 hours.
Minimum Shifts For For Function Bookings
An Event Supervisor, Event Officer or Technician commence 30 minutes prior to & concludes 30 minutes post your Event booking.
Additional Staff
Certain tasks may require the Customer to cover the cost of additional staff, as they are not included in standard fees and charges. Examples of additional staffing roles include managing merchandise sales during performances or events, overseeing backstage access through stage door management, providing staff for on-site café operations such as food and beverage preparation and service, directing vehicle flow and managing parking areas to ensure efficient and safe access to the venue, assisting VIP guests or performers with dedicated liaison staff, supervising children to ensure compliance with child safety standards, assisting with stage operations such as set changes and prop handling, operating fly systems for stage elements and scenery, and managing special effects equipment such as pyrotechnics and fog machines.
Staffing for Event catering services is included in fees and charges, covering roles such as preparation, serving, and overall management of food and drinks during the event. Additional catering support may be requested for larger-scale requirements.
In all cases, PRACC staff will ensure safe, efficient, and professional operations to meet the needs of the event.
Minimum call for all additional Staff is 3 hours & then in 15 minutes increments after.
Staff Penalty Charges
The Customer will incur staff penalty charges for all hours under the following circumstances:
In the event of an emergency requiring extended hours or additional duties, the Customer will not be responsible for overtime charges incurred by PRACC staff.
The PRACC staff assigned to the Event oversee the overall running of PRACC during the Event. This includes the wellbeing of Customer, Patrons, PRACC staff and providing the best possible conditions for the smooth operation of any Event.
No Theatre Event may commence until the Front of House Supervisor has advised the Senior Technician that Patrons are in place.
Patrons and Staff should have a rest break at least every two (2) hours and an interval should be in the vicinity of twenty (20) minutes.
It is at the discretion of the Coordinator if alcoholic drinks are sold during the Event. The Customer may request otherwise and should be discussed prior to the commencement of the Event.
The Customer is responsible for ensuring PRACC is returned to its original condition after the event. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning and resetting the theatre, backstage, foyer, and any lighting and sound equipment used.
PRACC Staff can be provided, at cost, to sell merchandise items. A Customer may use their own Seller if desired.
All merchandise sold will incur a 10% Commission Fee or $200.00, whichever is greater, and is reconciled on site immediately after the Event. This fee may be waived for non-commercial and community focused Hirers at the discretion of the Coordinator.
Requests for merchandising tables, sellers and floats must be made prior to the commencement of your Event. We are not able to guarantee the availability of the above items if requested during the Event, therefore, we ask you advise us of your requirements seven (7) days prior to your Event.
All programs and publicity material produced for an Event at PRACC must clearly acknowledge PRACC and its correct contact details. For assistance in the use of the PRACC logo and other details please contact Ticketing.
Promotion of the Event can be tailored to suit a Customers intended audience and budget. PRACC offers advance promotion of Events from material supplied by the Customer. PRACC has an extensive e-database and mailing list. A service charge will be charged for access to these services.
No pull up banners can be displayed within PRACC prior to the Event. Banners that the Customer bring with them on the day of and then remove at the conclusion of the Event are allowed.
Only persons approved by the Coordinator or Senior Technician shall be permitted to operate the electrical and stage services within PRACC. This shall include lighting equipment, visual equipment and sound amplification equipment. Any costs resulting from employing a suitable operator for this equipment is the responsibility of the Customer.
In particular, the counterweight flying system and elevated work platform shall only be operated by trained PRACC staff.
Any damage sustained to or injury sustained by PRACC equipment & facilities when in use by a Customer or external operator shall be the responsibility of the Customer.
No stage property, electrical installation, appliance or decorative materials or articles of any kind shall be brought into the PRACC without the consent of the Coordinator.
At the commencement of the Hire a PRACC Supervisor will provide a short Orientation Briefing to familiarise the Customer with PRACC emergency exits and evacuation points.
In case of emergency &/or evacuation PRACC will designate a Warden who will take control of the Precinct.
PRACC and Council staff are inducted into PRACC & Council Emergency Management Procedures and all instructions given should be followed.
Isolating the fire indicator panel (FIP) may be permitted for theatrical effects in theatres equipped with operational heat detectors. Isolating other spaces like function rooms or communal areas might necessitate extra safety precautions at the hirer's expense, subject to approval. If the hirer is deemed responsible for triggering an alarm, they will bear the costs of any emergency services response to PRACC.
Customers must adhere to all Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) requirements including those relating to exposure to noise, working at heights, manual handling and safe operation of equipment.
PRACC operates within the OH&S Guidelines and Codes of Practice which include, but is not limited to the following: Electrical Safety, Working at Heights, Manual Handling, Hazardous Substances and Noise.
Victorian organisations that provide services or facilities for children are required by law to
implement Child Safe Standards to protect children from harm.
The Child Safe Standards are a compulsory framework that supports organisations to promote the safety of children by requiring them to implement policies to prevent, respond to and report allegations of child abuse and harm.
More detailed guidance on how organisations can comply with the Standards is included in the Commission for Children and Young People’s - A guide for creating a Child Safe Organisation.
All children, regardless of age, must hold a valid ticket to all Events unless otherwise stated.
If agreed by the Customer, infants/toddlers will be admitted to Designated Children’s Performances free of charge if seated on the lap of their parent or guardian. The age limit, up to a maximum of two years of age, is determined by the Customer and will be identified in marketing material for the Event.
A limit of one child per adult applies in this circumstance.
It is the policy of Council to ensure that every Event within the Precinct is conducted in a safe manner.
To assist in achieving this outcome, PRACC requires each Customer to complete a Safety and Wellbeing Form containing a Risk Assessment. This Assessment forms part of the Agreement and must be completed and returned at least 14 days before an Event.
The Customer agrees to notify PRACC of any conditions that may be considered hazardous. These include but are not limited to: all overhead rigging of scenery, displays, persons or props, any explosive or pyrotechnic effects, any use of naked flame, smoke, haze, fog or dry ice, any combustion engine entering the venue, use of straw/hay bales, erection of temporary staging or platforms and the like, use of water, weaponry and manual handling hazards.
The bringing into PRACC or use of confetti, streamers, straw/hay, glitter, or any other articles deemed by the Coordinator to be objectionable or unsafe, is expressly prohibited.
In the event that PRACC is not notified of a hazardous condition, the Event may be halted immediately.
The Customer shall comply, in every respect, with the regulations relating to public buildings. The Customer shall maintain clear and useable, all exits and entrances throughout the Precinct.
The Coordinator shall have complete control and supervision over all means of ingress and egress and over the opening of the doors and the admission of the public. Any article causing such an obstruction may be removed.
At no time are Customer vehicles to be parked on or restrict access to entrances.
All Pianos shall be used only by competent pianists. Use of Pianos shall be available only when satisfactory arrangements to use it have been made with the Coordinator. The Customer shall, with the written authority of the Coordinator, use the Pianos for their intended purposes only.
PRACC pianos are maintained in good order and hire cost includes an initial tune. Additional tuning requested for an Event by a Customer, or deemed necessary by the Coordinator, will be arranged by PRACC at the Customers cost.
No animals shall be allowed with the PRACC or the Precinct unless approval in writing is given by the Coordinator.
Service animals are allowed access as per legislation.
No still cameras or video cameras shall be used within PRACC without consent of the Coordinator.
The minimum booking period is 5 hours.
The minimum booking for theatre performance is 5 hours.
PRACC may impose finish times for Events across the Precinct. In any case, the Dressing Rooms should be vacated immediately after the conclusion of an Event and the bump-out should be undertaken directly upon the conclusion of the Event unless otherwise agreed.
For the safety and security of Customer personnel PRACC recommends the use of Event passes, guests registrations/signing in and restricting access to backstage areas. Customers need to ensure that performers, crew and any others seeking access backstage are suitably briefed before the Event.
Stage Door
Theatre Loading Dock Use
Safe Handling Practices
The foyer is a communal area accessible to the public during regular business hours. Unless you have booked the entire venue for an event occurring outside of these hours and have obtained written consent from the Coordinator, your booking at PRACC does not grant you exclusive access to the Foyer.
There is an active call centre operating from the Box Office and any movement of Event related personnel through the Foyer need to be wary of noise levels.
The foyer should not to be used for gatherings of performers/cast members at any time. The Foyer and its amenities are not to be used for warm ups/rehearsals or as a dressing room or holding area. Shoes must be worn at all times and running is prohibited.
Auditorium Doors may not be used for anything other than for the ingress/egress of Patrons. All event personnel must enter via either of the Stage Doors. All set, costume, props and associated items for the Event must enter via the Loading Dock.
Prior to the conclusion of your Event, please consider how any students performing will be released back to their parents. Inform both the Supervisor Front of House & Senior Technician at the commencement of the Event.
We suggest the Stage Door, or if not in use for the performance, the Woodstock theatre. Performers may not be released off the front of the stage, or from the main theatre auditorium.
Parking in the Loading Dock is restricted to vehicles directly involved in loading of props and sets and may be used for Customer personnel.
There is no parking along the PRACC entrance way, roundabout, or nature strip at any time.
There is free car parking available through the Precinct.
(a) The Customer shall remove from PRACC all scenery, curtains, properties, goods and effects of the Event within a reasonable time after each Hire, or if previously approved by the Coordinator in writing, after the last of any series of Events or Hire uses. Failure to vacate PRACC within a reasonable time, as determined by the Coordinator, may result in an appropriate storage charge being levied. PRACC accepts no responsibility for items left onsite after an Event
(b) The Customer shall make adequate arrangements for the receipt and custody of all articles supplied to them at PRACC during the period of use and for the removal thereof immediately upon the termination of such period
(c) PRACC may give notice in writing to the Customer of any goods and chattels or effects left at PRACC on the completion of the Hire. Such notice shall be emailed to the Customer at the address given by them
(d) If, upon the expiry of ten days immediately following the date of emailing of such notice, the Customer has not removed the specified goods, unless otherwise agreed in writing, PRACC shall be at liberty to dispose of such goods in any manner it chooses. Upon the happening of such an event, the Customer expressly releases both PRACC & Council, it's servants or agents from all liability therefrom
(a) The floor (including stage areas), walls or any other part of PRACC or any curtains, fittings or furniture, shall not be broken, pierced by nails or screws or any such matter, or in any other way damaged. Notices, signs, advertisements, scenery, fittings or decorations of any kind must not be erected within PRACC or affixed to the walls, doors or any other part of PRACC curtains, fittings, furniture, mechanical, electrical and other equipment, without prior consent of the Coordinator
(b) The Customer shall be responsible for making good any damage to PRACC
(c) In the case of damage by the Customer, PRACC may, without notice, take control or hold a portion of the Gross Box Office Sales for the purpose of making good any repairs
(d) If the Customer neglects or refuses to make good any damage for which they are held responsible, the Council will make good these damages. The Customer shall pay the Council upon demand, all sums of money reasonably incurred by the Council in so doing
Neither PRACC or its staff shall be liable for any loss or damage sustained by the Customer or any persons, firms or corporations entrusting to or supplying any article or thing to the Customer by reason of such articles or thing being lost, damaged of stolen.
The Customer hereby indemnifies both PRACC & Council against any claim by any such person, firm or corporation in respect of such article or thing.
For all use of PRACC all physically active events and any seminar/conference or function use of any venue at PRACC, the following shall apply:
(a) The Customer shall not do, neglect to do, or permit to be done, or left undone, anything which will void either PRACC or Council’s insurance policy or policies relative to building damage, fire or loss, and public risk in relation to the building and its contents. The Customer agrees to indemnify the Council to the extent that such policies are affected through any such act, commission or omission
(b) The Customer must take out and keep current during the period of hire a Public Liability Insurance Policy for a minimum sum of $10 million against all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses and damages whatsoever which may be brought, or made or claimed against the Council or the Customer arising out of or in relation to the use of PRACC
(c) The Customer must provide evidence of public liability insurance in the form of a Certificate of Currency
(d) The Customer is advised to take out a Policy of Insurance to cover loss or damage to property which it owns or for which it is responsible, whilst stored in, or in use at PRACC
(e) Where the Customer employs staff or uses subAgreementors to perform duties at PRACC it must comply with the provisions of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004, Accident Compensation Act 1985 and the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation 2013. A valid Certificate of Currency from an authorised Workcover Agent shall be made available to Council if so requested
(f) Council is able to assist with arranging short term Public Liability coverage to meet these requirements for an arranged fee For use of all venues for static seminar/meeting/conference events with expected attendances of less than 100 persons and for visual arts exhibitions the following shall apply:
PRACC is a smoke free environment across the entire Precinct unless rehearsed and covered in an Event by a supplied Risk Assessment.
No game of chance or any other operation that does not comply with the laws for the time being in force, shall take place anywhere in PRACC. No raffle shall be conducted at PRACC without the permission of the Coordinator.
Where permission is granted for raffles, the Customer indemnifies both PRACC & Council against any claim for breach of gambling licensing requirements. Liquor shall not be used as a prize as it is breach of liquor license.
Calling out loud or spruiking in relation to any Event shall not be permitted anywhere within the Precinct. PRACC remains a neutral entity for Hire and should not be included in or affiliated with political or religious statement and visions.
PRACC, acting reasonably, reserves the right to arrange for licensed security personnel to attend an Event at the Customers’ expense.
The Customer shall, when so directed by the Coordinator, arrange for Police &/or Security attendance. The Customer may also request arrangement of Security for their Event if required.
Employees of PRACC shall be the only persons authorised to enter, examine and search the Precinct, or any section or part thereof, for lost property left at PRACC by any Customer or Patron.
All articles found at PRACC shall be delivered to the Box Office for registration and retention, until properly claimed by the owner. After a period of three months all lost property will be donated to charity.
A professional clean of areas used as part of the Hire is included in the overall Agreement. Bins are situated around the Precinct for both Waste & Recyclable material.
Post Event, should PRACC be found to be in an abnormal state as a result of the Customer’s use and/or the Event other than is reasonably expected, additional hours will be charged at the Coordinators discretion. Items included but not limited to are: confetti, streamers, powders and resins, flooring and wall scuffs or marks, rubbish, make up & glitter.
PRACC is serviced by both a small internal team and a larger external catering company.
To ensure adherence to agreed pricing, we reserve the right to substitute certain catering items for alternatives of the best likeness without prior notice. In the event of significant substitutions, we will communicate these changes to the customer to ensure transparency and mutual understanding.
To ensure that food handling guidelines and regulations are adhered to all catering requirements including food and beverage must be sourced and provided from PRACC. Individuals from cast, crew or event organisation who bring food or beverage to cater for their individual needs is accepted.
The sale of food and beverage in PRACC by the Customer is stricly prohibited.
Photographs of our catering offerings serve as examples only. Actual delivered products may differ in appearance, presentation, and ingredients due to factors like seasonal availability and artistic interpretation.
PRACC is a licensed premises. Pursuant to the provisions of the Liquor Act, liquor may not be carried into or away from the licensed premises. This does not apply to a carrier, deliverer or other person delivering liquor to or collecting liquor from the licensee in the ordinary course of business.
Liquor to be consumed within the Precinct shall be purchased from the Council appointed licensee through the PRACC Facilities and no liquor shall be brought into the Precinct by the Customer or Patrons of any Event.
No alcoholic drinks are to be consumed by the Customer, PRACC staff, operators of PRACC equipment or person working on an Event at any time within PRACC.
Events requiring alcohol service will have security arranged and charged to the Event.
Notice of cancellation must be received in writing by the Coordinator prior to the Event.
PRACC, as part of City of Whittlesea, is required to comply with privacy legislation. Privacy obligations limit the circumstances in which information about patrons can be disclosed.
Information about individual patrons attending events at PRACC is not routinely provided to the Customer unless patrons have specifically opted in to receive future correspondence from the Customer.
All statutory rules, provisions and regulations of the Federal and State Government, in particular the Centres and Public Hall Act, 1908, and any Entertainment Tax Act, and regulations thereunder for the time being in force, shall be complied with by the Customer. The Customer shall comply with all directions given by any competent authority including all Emergency Services
Personnel and any person holding a like appointment and shall comply with all rules, regulations and directions.
The Customer agrees to indemnify and to keep indemnified and to hold harmless Council and PRACC, its servants and agents and each of them from and against all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses and damages whatsoever which may be brought or made against the Council, PRACC or Customer or all arising out of or in relation to the granting of such agreement for use of the Facilities.
However nothing in this clause 50 indemnifies Council or PRACC against any actions, costs, claims, charges expenses or damages that have arisen out of the negligent acts or omissions of Council or PRACC in relation to the granting of this agreement for use of the Facilities
Any person, Patron, Customer or member of the general public, committing a breach of one or more of these conditions may be removed from the Precinct.
In the event of any dispute or difference arising to the interpretation of these conditions the decision of PRACC or their delegates shall be final and conclusive.
PRACC reserves the right to reject any Work for any reason, including if Council reasonably considers that the Work may contain content that is obscene, improper, offensive or does not align with the Presenter’s policies and values.
No alteration may be made to a confirmed booking date without forfeiture of the Deposit applying to that date. If PRACC has not suffered the loss of an alternative booking, the Deposit may then be transferred to a new Hire date.
Patrons holding a ticket who are unable to make the new date would receive a full refund with administration fees charged back to the Customers Event.